আসসালামু আলাইকুম। আশা করি সবাই ভাল আছেন। আজ আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে আসলাম ব্লগার স্টাইলিশ কমেন্ট বক্স। আর দেরি কেন ? এখনই শুরু করা যাক।
1. Log in to blogger blog
2. Click your blog title
3. Click Template from left side menu
4. Backup your full template before editing
5. Click Edit HTML, Click Proceed
6. Search for ]]></b:skin> by pressing Ctrl+F
7. Now copy the blow code, and paste it before/ above ]]></b:skin>
8. Now search for...
9. Replace it with...
9. Now hit Save Template, and you are done.
Customization area
● Replace IMAGE LINK GOES HERE with your selected background pattern URL.
● To change Comment as: text color just replace F2EF09 with your color code.
● To change box shadow color change 3CC33D
● If your comment box does not fit properly with this codes then simply change width:400px to adjust as per your wish.
That's all for today. In my next post I will share some background pattern for blogger comment box.
ইংরেজিতে বলে দুঃখিত। না বুঝলে কমেন্ট করুন। আমি আরো সাহায্য করার চেষ্টা করব।
1. Log in to blogger blog
2. Click your blog title
3. Click Template from left side menu
4. Backup your full template before editing
5. Click Edit HTML, Click Proceed
6. Search for ]]></b:skin> by pressing Ctrl+F
7. Now copy the blow code, and paste it before/ above ]]></b:skin>
/*------- Fibd-Comment box background start--------*/ #fibd-comment-form iframe{ background:#ffffff url(IMAGE LINK GOES HERE) repeat; border:2px solid#FFFFFF; -moz-border-radius:5px; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 5px #3CC33D; color:#F2EF09; padding:5px; font:normal 15pt "ms sans serif", Arial; width:400px; height:230px !important; } #fibd-comment-form a{ color:#fff; } /*------- fibd-Comment box background end--------*/
8. Now search for...
<div class='comment-form'>
9. Replace it with...
<div id='fibd-comment-form'>
9. Now hit Save Template, and you are done.
Customization area
● Replace IMAGE LINK GOES HERE with your selected background pattern URL.
● To change Comment as: text color just replace F2EF09 with your color code.
● To change box shadow color change 3CC33D
● If your comment box does not fit properly with this codes then simply change width:400px to adjust as per your wish.
That's all for today. In my next post I will share some background pattern for blogger comment box.
ইংরেজিতে বলে দুঃখিত। না বুঝলে কমেন্ট করুন। আমি আরো সাহায্য করার চেষ্টা করব।
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